A Compound Hunting Bow to Keep You On-Target


Let’s run through the following archery hunting scenario. You finally draw your compound hunting bow back on a hit-list buck and you suddenly realize you can’t settle the pin in a tight circle. After drifting around and around, you get tempted to punch the release when it passes over the vitals. It’s a consistent recipe for bad shots, but we’ve all probably been in a similar situation before. The fact is that many compound bow brands focus on building faster bows without considering how difficult the increased speed might make it to shoot. If your compound hunting bow is lacking a few key features, it might be really hard to settle the pins quickly and keep them from floating too much.


[av_promobox button=’yes’ label=’NEW BOW’ link=’manually,http://www.g5prime.com/centergy-hunting-bow-g5-prime/’ link_target=” color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ size=’large’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ box_color=” box_custom_font=’#ffffff’ box_custom_bg=’#444444′ box_custom_border=’#333333′ av_uid=’av-2mutv1′]



Is Pin Float Good?

As you practice throughout the off-season, developing a natural pin float is probably one of the archery exercises in your routine. That’s because it’s important. If you try to hold your hunting bows absolutely still on a target, you’ll probably end up jerking the bow to one side or another when you shift your attention to punching the release. This is made even harder for compound hunting bows that are unbalanced or have a soft back wall because they introduce another variable that can affect your shooting form. But when you can subconsciously (and slowly) circle the target, it’s more natural and you don’t feel as rushed to squeeze the release. Not surprisingly, eliminating that target panic also produces more accurate and consistent groupings over time. Now just imagine if you could tighten that pin float to a smaller circle without sacrificing the ease of shooting. It makes sense that a smaller circle would produce a more accurate shot. Aim small, miss small, right?



Introducing the Prime Centergy Bow

The new-for-2017 Centergy compound hunting bow is very balanced, with the lower half being only slightly longer than the top to keep the whole thing steady throughout the shot. The 82x aluminum risers are the strongest aluminum alloy available, which keeps everything right where it needs to be. This concept doesn’t just sound good on paper either. When we developed the bow, it had to live up to the claims above. To provide some concrete evidence, Prime scientifically monitored the pin movement of the Centergy bow with a laser mounted to it to track every little flinch and sway throughout the shooting process. The results of the test were remarkable as you’ll see in the video below.


The Test from Jeremy Flinn on Vimeo.


The test revealed that the Centergy’s balanced targeting system could produce up to a 49% steadier aim than a competitor, which is a huge difference. As you can see, the cheap compound bows tend to wiggle a lot more than the Centergy bow, which means it would be harder for you to settle the pin on the vitals. When your nerves are shot and buck fever has thoroughly taken hold of you, you need to know that your compound bow will be smooth and steady, help you acquire your target quicker, and stay dialed in until you squeeze the release.


The Centergy compound hunting bow is available in a few models. The base model has all the features above to keep you rock-solid through any hunt. The lightweight Centergy Air bow is made for smaller-statured hunters or those who like a lighter bow. The Centergy Hybrid is a versatile bow that could be just as easily used bow hunting as it could on the target range. The confidence you’ll build from the increased targeting and aiming of this bow will help you become a better archer in no time.