Jul 15, 2016 | Prime Time
How Paper Tune A Bow | Expert Tips for Paper Tuning a Bow Most archers either know how to paper tune a bow, know of paper tuning, or have at least heard of it, but rarely do you encounter a hunter, or even a target or competitive archer that knows the fine details. If...
Jul 13, 2016 | Prime Time
Prime Target Bows | Determining Bow Cam Timing and Synchronization When you are looking for information or how to tune your bow, bow cam timing and synching seems to always be a staple among the info. Manufacturer’s specifications and manuals should always be...
Jul 12, 2016 | Prime Time
Arrow Selection and Setup for Target Bows Selecting and shooting the right target bows for your competition archery is only the first step in becoming a pro competition archer. Where the rubber meets the road so to speak is also choosing the right arrow and arrow...
Apr 26, 2016 | Prime Time
How To Film While Bow Hunting Turkeys Its turkey season across the country, and hunters are taking to the woods for a longbeard, a fan, and one heck of a good story. For some turkey hunting is all about getting outdoors in the spring weather but for some it’s a new...